
Research is life.

I am excited to be working at the frontier of cognitive science, asking questions like: what is a mind, what is consciousness, what is happiness, and how might we go about building a world that supports our flourishing?



  1. Miller, M., Albarracin, M., Pitliya, R. J., Kiefer, A., Mago, J., Gorman, C., ... & Ramstead, M. J. (2022). Resilience and active inference. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1059117-1059117.

  2. Anderson, B, Miller, M., & Verveke, J. (2022) Predictive Processing and Relevance Realization: Exploring Convergent Solutions to the Frame Problem. Phenom Cogn Sci.

  3. Deterding, S., Andersen, M. M., Kiverstein, J., & Miller, M. (2022). Mastering uncertainty: A predictive processing account of enjoying uncertain success in video game play. Frontiers in Psychology, 4214.

  4. Andersen, M. M., Kiverstein, J., Miller, M., & Roepstorff, A. (2022). Play in Predictive Minds: A Cognitive Theory of Play. Psychological Review. Advance online publication.

  5. Nave, K., Deane, G., Miller, M., & Clark, A. (2022). Expecting Some Action: Predictive Processing and the Construction of Conscious Experience. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-19.

  6. White, B., & Miller, M. (2021, September). Filtered States: Active Inference, Social Media and Mental Health. In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (pp. 772-783). Springer, Cham.

  7. Miller, M., Kiverstein J. and Rietveld, E. (2022) The Predictive Dynamics of Happiness and Wellbeing. Emotion Review.

  8. Schoeller, F., Miller, M., Salomon, R., & Friston, K. J. (2021). Trust as Extended Control: Human-Machine Interactions as Active Inference. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 93.

  9. Miller, M. & White, B. (2021) The Warped Self: Social Media Makes Us Feel Terrible About Who We Really Are. Neuroscience Explains Why – And Empowers Us To Fight Back. In AEON.

  10. Miller, M., Nave, K., Deane, G. & Clark, A. (2020) The Value of Uncertainty. In AEON,

  11. Miller, M., Deane, G. & Wilkinson, S. (2020) Losing Ourselves: Active Inference, Depersonalization and Meditation. Frontiers of Psychology,

  12. Miller, M., Nave, K., Deane, G. & Clark, A. (2020). Wilding the Predictive Brain: Embodied, Emotional and Extended. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science.

  13. Kiverstein, J., Miller M. & Rietveld E. (2020). Mood as Tuning Predictions: A Neurophenomenological Perspective on Depression. Neuroscience of Consciousness.

  14. Miller, M., Kiverstein, J., & Rietveld, E. (2020). Embodying addiction: A predictive processing account. Brain and Cognition, 138, 105495.

  15. Miller, M., & Nave, K. (2020). Slimes and Cyborgs: Stretching the Boundaries of Life. Adaptive Behavior, 28(1), 43-44.

  16. Kiverstein, J., Miller, M. & Rietveld, E. (2017). The Feeling of Grip: Error Dynamics, Novelty and the Predictive Brain. Synthese, 1-23.

  17. Miller, M., & Clark, A. (2017). Happily Entangled: Prediction, Emotion, and the Embodied Mind. Synthese, 1-17.

  18. Kiverstein, J., & Miller, M. (2015). The Embodied Brain: Towards a Radical Embodied Cognitive Neuroscience. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 237.

  19. Kiverstein, J., & Miller, M. (2015). The Cognitive-Emotional Brain is an Embodied and Social Brain. Commentary on Luiz Pessoa. Behavioural and Brain Sciences 38: 26-7.

Book Chapters / Reviews

  1. Miller, M., Anderson, M., Schoeller, F. & Kiverstein, J. (forthcoming) Getting a Kick Out of Film: Aesthetic Pleasure and Play in Prediction Error Minimizing Agents. In Worldling the Brain.

  2. Ramstead, M., Wiese, W., Miller, M. & Friston, K. (forthcoming) Deep neurophenomenology: An Active Inference Account of Some Features of Conscious Experience and of their Disturbance in Major Depressive Disorder. In Expected Experiences: The Predictive Mind in an Uncertain World. Routledge, Tony Cheng, Ryoji Sato, and Jakob Hohwy (Eds.).

  3. Miller, M. & Markovic, J. (forthcoming). Predicting Emotions: Emotion-Cognition Interactions in the Predictive Brain. In Mendonça, D., Curado, M., & Gouveia, S. S. (Eds.) The philosophy and science of predictive processing. Bloomsbury Publishing.

  4. Miller, M. (2013). Book Review: of Self, No Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, and Indian Traditions, edited by Mark Siderits, Evan Thompson and Dan Zahavi, Oxford University Press 2011. Journal of Consciousness Studies.

Edited Collections

  1. Phenomenal Expectations: New Essays on Predictive Processing and Consciousness (2022). (Eds) Miller, M., Schlicht, T. & Clark, A. Review for Philosophy and Psychology.

  2. Expecting Wellbeing: Predictive Organisms in a (Socio-)Technological Niche (2023). (Eds) Miller, M., Kiverstein, J. & Hipolito, I.

Under Review / In Preparation

  1. Kiverstein, J & Miller, M (in review) Playfulness and the Meaningful Life:  An Active Inference Perspective.

  2. Miller, M, White, B. & Scrivener, C. (In review) Surfing Uncertainty with Screams: Active Inference, Error Dynamics and Horror Films

  3. Ciria, A., Albarracin, M., Miller, M., & Lara, B. (in review). Social Media Platforms: Trading with Prediction Error Minimization for Your Attention.

  4. Albarracin, M., Miller, M. et al. (in review) An Inferential Approach to Understanding Self-Esteem: Successful Versus Unsuccessful Interaction with the Ecological Niche and the Self-Perception of Fitness”

  5. Schoeller, Miller, M., et al. (in review). Interoceptive Technologies for Psychiatric Interventions: From Diagnosis to Clinical Applications.

  6. Miller, M, Kiverstein J. and Reitveld, R. (in review) Desire and Motivation in Predictive Processing: An Ecological and Enactive Perspective.

  7. Schoeller, F., Ashur, P. Larralde, J., Couedic, C., Ciaunica, A., Linson, A. & Miller, M. (in review) Auditory Feedback on Proprioception Increases Bodily Awareness.

  8. White, B. & Miller, M. (in review) Free-Energy Minimising Agents and Beneficial A.I.: Ambient Smart Environments, Allostasis, and Metacognitive Control.

  9. White B., Demases, D. & Miller, M. (in preparation) Third-wave artificial empathy: an active inference approach to affective computing. Special Issue Bio A.I. - From Embodied Cognition to Enactive Robotics, in Frontiers of Psychology: Human-Media Interaction, Eds. Ines Hipolito, Adam Safron & Andy Clark.

  10. White, B., Clark, A. & Miller, M. (in review) Digital Being: Social Media and the Predictive Mind.

  11. Sandved-Smith, L., Miller, M. & Lutz, A. (In preperation) Meditative Self-Inquiry as a Model Optimisation Strategy: An Active Inference Perspective